A rock paper scissors puzzle:
- Anya played 10 games of rock paper scissors against Blake
- Each time there was a winner (no ties)
- Anya used rock 2 times, paper 2 times, and scissors 6 times, but you don’t know the order
- Blake used rock 2 times, paper 4 times, and scissors 4 times, but you don’t know the order
How many games did each player win?
Anya won 6 times and Bill won 4 times.
Since there were no ties, we know that when Anya played scissors, Blake must have played rock or paper. That means out of the 6 games when Anya played scissors, Anya won 4 and Blake won 2.
That leaves only the games when Blake played scissors, in which Anya played rock 2 times and paper 2 times, so Anya won 2 and Blake won 2.
that one was good