7 Matchstick Equation Puzzles

In matchstick puzzles, you are presented with an incorrect equation made using matchsticks, and you must move 1 or more matchsticks to turn it into a valid equation.

You must use all of the matches, and you are not allowed to make an inequality symbol such as ≠, ≥, >, <, or ≤.

In each of these 7 fun matchstick equation puzzles, move exactly 1 match to fix the equation:

1 plus 2 equals 8

Click for Solution to 1 + 2 = 8

7 + 2 = 9

6 plus 4 equals 4

Bonus: find 2 different solutions!

Click for Solution to 6 + 4 = 4

8 – 4 = 4

0 + 4 = 4

4 minus 4 equals 7

Click for Solution to 4 – 4 = 7

11 – 4 = 7

6 plus 1 equals 12

Click for Solution to 6 + 1 = 12

5 + 7 = 12

8 plus 3 equals 3

Click for Solution to 8 + 3 = 3

6 + 3 = 9

5 plus 9 equals 9

Click for Solution to 5 + 9 = 9

5 + 3 = 8

6 + 3 = 9

3 plus 8 minus 4 equals 0

Bonus: find 2 different solutions!

Click for Solution to 3 + 8 – 4 = 0

3 + 9 – 4 = 8

3 + 8 – 11 = 0

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Amazing Matchstick Puzzles Book

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  1. The solution to 4+4=7 is incorrect. You would have moved two matchsticks, rather move one matchstick and remove another, to get that answer. However, that solution would be correct if the equation was 4-4=7.

  2. Love these puzzles! They are perfect for my students. Thank you for posting them!

    Question: On 6+4=4, you list 3 solutions, including 5+4=9. Traditionally, wouldn’t we need a second match to turn a 4 into a 9 (to have the horizontal bottom piece like clock numbers)?

    Thank you again!

    • Good point, that was a bit of an inconsistency. I’ve corrected/removed that one now, apologies for the delay. Thanks John!

  3. your solutions to 3 + 8 – 4 = 0 include one where a 4 is turned into a 9, ie there is no tail at the bottom of the 9.
    I don’t think that should be allowed, but if it is you have missed other solutions (eg 6+4=4 can become 5+4=9)

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