Can you figure out the number I am thinking of?
Some cryptic clues:
- Call it sin, and mess it up (9)
- Between θ and κ (4)
- Engage emotionally (5)
- Half a byte (6)
- Mottle (5)
- Never mix meds & gin (7)
- – (4)
If you have all the answers right, that’s only about 33% percent of the solution: you need to justify them too.
Some clues were left over, so here’s a second set:
- Sing about the matter (10)
- Frog’s pole (3)
- Heroin or slap (5)
- 0 or 1 (1,3)
- A toy asking a question on an online forum (4+2 = 6)
An ingenious and very difficult puzzle by Bass on Puzzling StackExchange (spoiler warning: contains the solution)
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